Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Gatz's Take Hawaii Part 1

We arrived on Thursday to the lovely island of Kauai. After getting our rental car, where they gouged us a whopping extra $25 a day (that's an extra $175 for those bad at math) we hit COSTCO! I am a HUGE fan of Costco so you can imagine how stoked I was that our first meal on the island was under $10. Naturally I was on cloud nine thinking things were off to a wonderful start. We got all our groceries and made a plan for the week about which days to eat out etc. 

As we left Costco,we walked out into a monsoon! I'm not exaggerating, it was pouring down rain in flash flood fashion. We waited until it died down a bit and end up walking to our car in ankle deep was an experience. 

Folllowing Costco we departed for our condo, located thirty minutes away. Checkin didn't start til 4, but we were hopeful that at 3 we would possibly be able to get the checkin process started. We got there and they take down all our information do the inital check in, and let housekeeping know we were there and ready. Just as we were leaving we got a call back from the front desk...our reservations don't start until FRIDAY!!! Keep in mind, it is still Thursday. 

So we hit the road to find the nearest ice cream shop with free wifi. They don't exactly have coffee shops on the island. We were told it would likely be difficult to find a last minute place to stay, due to the Kauai marathon happening on Sunday. We started looking around and just about everyone wanted a little over $250 for the night. After calling multiple places, we tried the Kauai Beach Resort. I explained we were on our honeymoon, and that we had been thrown a curveball regarding our stay for that evening. They only had two rooms available, we went with the more cost effective choice. Once we got to the resort, we found out that due to heavy storms in the area and largely increased humidity, their AC had broken and was only opperating at 40% of what it should be able to do. No AC, not a big deal, the pool was open late and we could go for a late night swim to cool down.  With AC broken down it actually knocked down the price even more, and after retelling our honeymoon dilemma sob story to the front desk attended, she upgraded our room from a garden side room to and ocean side room at no extra cost. We felt so blessed.

At this point we decided that blogging and snapchatting would be a fun way to keep people up to date with our adventures. 

We hit the pools, the hotel we were at had four, plus a waterslide. I was all about the slide.

Time for some beach time!!

Breakfast at the hotel. 

Hittting the beach before we leave. 

Our reaction to the room! 

We made friends with the concierge who booked us an awesome resevation for a fancy dinner and spent the night laughing about everything that had happened.  We finally made it to our condo (see below) and its been smooth sailing ever since...aside from our snorkeling experience. We will post another blog about that one soon. 

Thanks for reading and following along!!
XOXO Mr. and Mrs. Gatz

Up next: Snokeling...hiking...wave surfing

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! That was surely so frustrating! I'm glad things worked out. Our first anniversary get away had crazy drama but now we just laugh and shake our heads, especially because we got a huge blessing in the form of a refund and the ability to stay somewhere super nice the second night! Love the pictures!!💜
