Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Don't trust Mrs.Pacman

Today I had a bonding moment with Mrs. Packman. I mean we really have a lot in common, moving forward towards a goal but enemies are lurking around every corner. I feel as though every time I am finally making progress and things are starting to fall into place I hit a wall or come face to face with an unexpected and distorted obstacle.

Last week was amazing so many answers to prayer from Austen getting a job and selling his car to miraculous things happening at work. I had a solid 4 days that I really thought that I was going get a nice downhill ride for a while Austen and I were even about to sign a lease for a place to live.

…Then WHAM! We find out his employment is going to be taking him much further north than expected. Our “somewhere in the middle / yeah an hour commute for each of us isn’t too bad / we are significantly less likely to be shanked in the parking lot / we could still buy food after rent” housing situation was just not as practical as it had been a mere 12 hours before.

Just as I was about to lay on my floor this evening and have a good “Life is hard-I feel bad for myself” cry I was reminded of a verse I had just shared with a student last week.

Matthew 6:33-34:
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself? Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Preach Matthew. Preach.

I could sit here and feel sad for myself and think things never go my way, because that’s really the heart issue here if I want to be honest with myself. I could sit on this floor and cry my eyes out and stress about all these things I can’t change. Yet I was just so incredibly encouraged by how much God was showing me provision the last few days. Oh and you know I was singing the tune “God is so good I will always trust him. Haha yeah I never doubted or worried about that, always knew he had it”.

Isn’t it so much easier to trust God when things are going well for us? When we think we can see the game board…when really all we see is what is behind us. Or when look back and see God saved us from something or had something better up ahead.

I love this passage in Matthew, because it leads with “but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness”. Am I really seeking God? Am I thankful for every trial…in the trial? Am I truly seeking God FIRST before I try to solve problems in my own strength?
I also love how this passage ends “therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself”. If I stress about tomorrows problems I will completely miss the opportunity to be appreciative of how today's were solved.

For example:
Today my boss was speaking with a student and used 2nd Corinthians 10 to encourage a student…little did she know she was encouraging me too.

2nd Corinthians 10:4: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

Just as I was starting to get overwhelmed tonight I was reminded of this scripture and what my boss had said “We have been equipped with the strongest weapon…the word of God”.

As I started getting overwhelmed with tomorrow’s worries I almost missed how God was trying to remind me that he has already given me the best weapon.

So tomorrow…or in the next few hours when I start to feel overwhelmed again. I am going to remember this passage and use it as my weapon. I will look to God and be thankful for the problems he has solved and know that he knows all the others that are looming. I trust…him. He sees the whole game board, while I only see the dots in front of me and the ghosts beside me. 

Also this lovely song is relative...and was on my pandora as I finished this post. Enjoy!

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