Thursday, July 2, 2015

July Goals!

Happy July! Where in the world has the time gone? This weekend Austen and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary of engagement! A little over one month until we say "forever together"!

I'm currently in Boise Idaho filling in at my old center and found a few moments to get this blog finished. Shocking I know. I keep telling myself that I want to blog more. I can't tell you how many drafts of blog posts I have sitting in my drive, half written. It is embarrassing.

Given that it is the start of the month and many other bloggers I follow are posting their months goals I thought I would share mine. In reality I am doing this because it was much easier than finishing any number of my "almost blog posts".

July Goals:
1. Blog once a week
    Dear Lord, please let me actually accomplish this, this time.
2. Exercise at least 3 times a week
    With my new work schedule being so inconsistent, my gym time has taken a back seat. But I have a honeymoon I need to be in shape for!
3. Wedding plans
    For the love of all donuts, I need to get my act together. I am the worst bride. My procrastination habits have been amplified through this planning. For example: Look for favors? Naw, I think half writing a blog post would be a better use of my time. COMMIT TO NOTHING!! Friends, I need help.
4. Instagram more
    I love this form of social media and I could definitely be posting more.
5. Continue "Mornings with Jesus"
    A half finished blog post would explain this.
6. Find an apartment/house
   If you know much about the journey Austen and I have been on this past year then you know that this is a serious goal. Two indecisive people getting married means we basically only know we are getting married and going on a honeymoon. Everything after September 20th is a black hole of unknowns.

Hopefully I can get some of these other blogs posted....#bloggoals



  1. I love this!!!

    Blog once a week! What will your subjects be?

    Exercise is always awesome!

    Wedding plans... Not sure what to say on that but I am sure you will knock it out! And Jina does wedding flowers FYI! :)

    Instagram more... :)

    Tell Jesus I said, "Hello and thank you for everything!!"

    An apartment or house... Are you trying to rent or buy? I can of course help you with figuring this out when you are ready!

    I love love love that you're setting goals and putting them out here like this!

