Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I will endure

Am I the only one who finds being in a season of patience is the time when I am the least patient? I recently moved back to Seattle from Boise and I am finding that boredom does not suit me well. While I trust and believe that there is the right job for me, I would still prefer if I was already working. I am a busy body who doesn't cope with free time well. I am also a planner. If you know anything about me then you know glimmer in my eye (much like the one when I see donuts) when my planner bursting yet organized. I also love having my to-do list prepped the night before so I know what to expect from my day or week. Needless to say, when I walk through seasons where the next day, weeks, or months are entirely unpredictable, I have a hard time.

Despite the endurance this season of my life is requiring, I am still encouraged. I was driving the other day and I was reminded that before I get in my “life is hard” boat I should remember what I am thankful for. Yes, maybe my circumstances aren't the best right now. But if I have learned anything in the past year, it’s that life is constantly changing and everything is temporary. This time last year if I had known of all the trials AND victories I would face in a year I probably would have laid on the floor and cried for an hour…then I would have gotten up had a cup of coffee and said “alright let’s get this started”. Why? Because I wouldn't change anything about the past year. I am so thankful for all the lessons good and bad I have learned. Plus, at the core of all of these lessons there has always been one message, I have my salvation. As cliché as this idea is, it has been reiterated into my heart this past year. As I stated above all my circumstances are temporary, all of them…but not my salvation.

So on days like today, when both the weather and my mood are grey I am reminded that I will always have a reason to be thankful. I won’t be discouraged by the unknown, instead I will practice patience and continue to Praise God and be thankful. Below are two verses that have been a comfort on days like today, because even when I don’t know how to pray for myself, Jesus does.

Romans 8:34 “34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Romans 8:26 “26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Kelly Mac

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