Friday, September 12, 2014

Walking in faithfulness, and some other things

Since moving to Boise, Barnes and Noble and other bookstores have become my sanctuary. I live at the center I work at which can be draining. If I don’t get out once every day I feel like I’m in the program myself. So bookstores have become a place of comfort for me. As an introvert I get the opportunity to be quiet and left alone with the absence of work at the same time.

In my wanderings of the book stores I continue to hear a quote my youth pastor always said over and over “readers make leaders”. This quote rings so true now for me now. I have been challenged and grown a ton in the last month alone. My new adventure and my new reading habits have been dramatic. 

I am currently reading All In by Mark Batterson. It is amazing and so challenging. It forces you to look at your faith and ask yourself if you’re really following Jesus or “asking Jesus to follow you”. He also asks if we can ever really call the “sacrifices” we make for God true sacrifices if we get so much in return...for example heaven or just the joyfulness we receive for being in God’s will.
On the topic of sacrifices, I can’t seem to get away from Geneiss 22 lately. It has been in almost all of my devotionals. I’ve heard at least 4 sermons on it in the last month, and it was mentioned on the radio after I dropped Austen off after his visit to Boise.

This chapter tells the story of Abraham and his faithfulness to God. A few years after God fulfills his promise to Abraham by blessing him with a son, God asks him to sacrifice his son as an offering to him. Abraham then takes his son up the mountain builds the altar, binds his son up and prepares to begin the sacrifice and then God intervenes by providing a ram to sacrifice instead.
Can we just take a moment to be challenged by Abraham’s faithfulness?

Here is this handsome son whom was promised to Abraham and Sarah. These parents spent YEARS praying for and God to fulfill this what was promised to them. God finally delivers, literally, to a mother who was old and barren. Then after a few years God asks for Abraham to SACRIFICE his kid!

When I think about some of the promises God has fulfilled for me I don’t think I can honestly say without hesitation I could instantly respond to God’s request. And if I did finally manage to respond, I would definitely be stomping my feet up that mountain.

Let’s also not forget the men who were with Abraham on their walk up the mountain. Abraham didn’t disclose to them what God had asked of him. If it were me I would probably spend the three days of hiking asking everyone if they thought it was a good idea. But Abraham knew it was what God wanted and that was enough for him.

When God asks you do to do something for him do you spend you respond with immediate faithfulness like Abraham or do you take hold of your money, children, family, friends, and ask God if wants to take a minute to really think it over. 

Do you seek approval from those around you before you act?

What I take away from Abraham’s story is that God didn’t actually want Abraham to sacrifice his son. He was just testing Abraham’s faithfulness.

James 1:2-4 says:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

God tests us so that we can grow in faithfulness to him.

Moving to Boise was a serious test of faith for me. I left my fiancĂ©, my closest friends, and my home and comfort zone. But now that I am here I am so joyful in the place I am at. I am challenged every day and I’m growing every day. God’s grace in my weakness has been daily and his love has been so apparent in my life. I am so thankful that I get to play the small part I do in the lives of the girls I work with as God writes their story of his grace.

Friends, we serve an amazing God! If you don't know him personally I hope one day you take a peek into his amazing offering to us of his life in exchange for ours. 

P.s. Here are some pictures of my adventures since moving to Boise

Letters from Home

My lovely friend Halona noming on some delicious cookie ice cream sammys

My awesome coworker Shantelle. I love this girl! She challenges and inspires me in so many ways.

That morning I got up early to watch a hot air balloon launch 

Selfies while baking in Idaho...the dang elevation makes it interesting. 

Church Picnic! 

Austen came to visit!!

Sunset at table rock

^^A late night filming/tumblr how to sesh ^^^

I want to become a style blogger on instagram....but only sometimes I actually am stylish. Can realistic, trend following blogging be a thing? I want it to be a thing, its my thing. 
Give me a follow or a like, or a laugh 

Also I have a new roommate that has been here less than a week and we are basically best friends already. 

 We want this couch, can you pray that our boss will let us buy it an put it in our room?
Also, I promise she isn't really cross eyed in real life. 

 Late night shifts with podcasts, smores, LOTS of coffee, deep conversations, and many laughs.


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